Rangkuman Senam Lantai

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Hello there! i just start to join fanfiction world(?) hahahah no! i'm not going write any fanfiction but i'm busy reading and looking for good fanfiction which's contain EXO in it lately heheh :3. Well, tbh i'm new in this kind of world cause reading is not one of my hobby. It's hard for me to get the 'feeling' , that's why not all of books or ff that i've ever read can move my heart (assa!). After i read some of ff's i'm gonna share with you guys who enjoy reading fanfiction a lot, the best EXO fanfiction (in my opinion):

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  1. RANGKUMAN PENJASKES KELAS VII Jumat, 15 Juni 2012. RANGKUMAN LKS PEMJASKES KELAS VII. PERMAINAN BOLA BESAR. AKTIVITAS SENAM DAN RITMIK A. Senam lantai 1. Mengguling ke depan 2. Guling ke belakang 3. Variasi guling depan belakang 4. Bentuk kombinasi guling depan belakang B. Senam irama 1. Gerakan langkah.
  2. Rangkuman Pengetahuan Alam Lengkap. Jika kamu emnyiramkan air ke kotoran lantai, amaka kotoran itu terbawa aliran air.
1. Anterograde Tomorrow

Rangkuman Senam Lantai Kelas 11

This fanfiction is the best of the best for me. It's KaiSoo fanfiction. This ff tells about a guy who has 'aterograde amnesia'. He can't remember anything at the end of the day and there's other guy who trying to help him to remember everything he left behind. Well maybe my review about this ff not as interesting as the real ff. You should read it by yourself i'll guarantee you'll cry at the end of the story. Promise. This written by changdictator. If you want to read it go to this site → Anterograde Tomorrow .
2. 10080

Makalah Senam Lantai

This is the best ChanBaek fanfiction -ever because if you have read another ChanBaek' ff some of author show the troll-cheer up character or couple but not with this ff, you'll cry hard! And the other author also made an epilogue for this ff. Go to this site 10080 to read the ff. and here's for the epilogue
3. Can i just alohomora your heart for me
This is the first EXO OT12 fanfiction i have read. It's about 25 chapters. This ff based on harry potter. It's KaiHun ff but there's Kray and Chanbaek part also. (but i haven't read it yet ;P), If you want to read it go to this site → fanficiton
Ok. as i said earlier i'm new people. So i have read about >10 ff hahahahahahahhahaha :D so the ffs above are the best ff for me :D but my friend said 48 hours or. whatever. is a good fanfiction tho, the genre is action. I'll update soon ! (if i have time read a new one hehe)

Many, many years ago, the kingdom of Medangkamulan was ruled by a kingnamed Dewata-Chengkar. This king had a strange and frightening habit. He likedto eat human beings.
One day, a youngtraveler arrived in the kingdom.He was called Ajisaka.
Ajisaka tookshelter in the house of a widow who quickly came to look upon the young man asher own son. When he heard of the king’s strange appetite, Ajisaka sympathizedwith the villagers’ plight and immediately volunteered to become the king’snext meal.
Ajisaka went directly to theking’s palace.“I am willing to be your next meal. However, I have a request”,said AjiSaka to the king. “Whatever you please, young man, I will grant yourrequest”, the king replied. “Before you eat me, grant me some land. Just enoughlength of my own head cloth”, continued AjiSaka. “Come, Young Man. Let’smeasure your headcloth so that I can have my meal and you can have your land”,agreed the king.
Ajisaka began tounwrap the cloth tied around his head. The king got down from his throne andhold one end of the head cloth.

He steppedbackward. What he didn’t know was that this headcloth was much longer. The kingkept going backward, step by step, as the cloth kept unraveling. He steppedbackward through the palace square, backward across the village, holding theend of Ajisaka’sheadcloth. The king kept stepping backward until reached thesea cliftS of the sea.A great crowd of people had gathered. They held their breathas their king took his final step backward over the cliff’s edge and plungedinto the waves crashing againts the rocks at the foot of the sea wall.
Rangkuman Senam Lantai

The story introduces the participants. Those are main charracters, AjiSaka and the king DewataCengkar. They lived in once time
The problem began when the king wanted to eat his people. That king’s strange habit made AjiSaka face a major complication, how to solve the problem. AjiSaka tried to stop the king frighting habit.
The story has a happy ending as AjiSaka Successfully beats the king. The king fell into the sea.
We should not be arrogant and dismissive of others.