Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

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  1. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1
40 Pertanyaan By Nunung82 Last updated: Dec 29, 2012

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1

Bank soal bahasa inggris

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10. Soal bahasa inggris XI SMK. Soal Latihan Uts Sma Kelas x Bahasa Inggris. 80 Soal Bahasa Inggris SMK Kelas Xi Dan Kunci Jawaban. Modul bahasa inggris. Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI. Documents Similar To Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11. Naskah Soal Ulangan Umum Semester Ganjil - Bahasa Inggris XII IPA&IPS.


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  • Each of students ……. received an invitation.
    • Has

    • Have

    • Had

    • Does

    • Is

  • The school has a lot of classrooms. Each of them ….…equipped with an overhead projector.
    • Has

    • Have

    • Has

    • Does

    • Is

  • Neither the football players nor their coach …… satisfied with referee’s decision.
  • Six hundred miles ….a long distance to drive in one day.
    • Has

    • Have

    • Had

    • Does

    • Is

  • Name of a river passing through some big towns ….the title of a popular Indonesian song.
    • Is become

    • Had Become

    • Has become

    • Was Become

    • Does Become

  • Many of my students can afford to buy a ticket for the Michael Jackson show, the majority …. from well to do families.
    • Came

    • Come

    • Comes

    • Become

    • Became

  • The shipment of logs from China …….because of the bad weather.
    • Must been postponed

    • That been postponed

    • Have been postponed

    • Had been postponed

    • Has been postponed

  • It was a miracle that neither of the passengers nor the driver …. injured in the accident.
    • Was

    • Has

    • Had

    • Have

    • Have been

  • The increase in the sales of new cars …. not expected to make traffic jams worse.
    • Was

    • Has

    • Had

    • Is

    • Have been

  • In the next poetry contest, each of the contestants …. expected to be more critical and more accurate in pronunciation.
    • Was

    • Has

    • Had

    • Is

    • Have been

  • The way he smiles and talks always …. many beautiful girls.
    • Arrive

    • Attracts

    • Answer

    • Announce

    • Running

  • One of the problems faced by foreign businessmen …. the frequent changing of regulations.
    • Has

    • Have

    • Had

    • Is

    • Have been

  • Because of the monetary crisis, the number of people without jobs …. at the moment.
    • Is increased

    • Is increasing

    • Is increas

    • Is growt

    • Is growing

  • At the beginning of the semester , every student …… given a new time-table.
    • Has

    • Have

    • Had

    • Is

    • Has been

  • A : ' Is Yanti still in the Training Department? 'B : ' No, She ……to the sales department.
    • Has been transferred

    • Had been transferred

    • Have been transferred

    • Has been transfer

    • Had been transfer

  • Her book is not here anymore. It must have …….
    • Taking away

    • Taked away

    • Took away

    • Tooking

    • Taken away

  • This is a very popular TV program. Every week it …. by millions of people .
    • Is watching

    • Is watch

    • Is watched

    • Was watching

    • Has been watched

  • Can we get tickets for the second show of the “Jurassic park?” I think they ……
    • Has been sold

    • Had been sold

    • ( have been sold)( have been sold)( have been sold)( have been sold)( have been sold)have been sold

    • ( have been sold)( have been sold)was sold

    • Is sold

  • What happened to her T shirt? Oh, … when she jumped over the fence.
    • It was torn

    • It was torc

    • It was tort

    • It wasn't torn

    • It was toren

  • I don’t know how to arrange these flowers. I’d rather ……
    • Has it done

    • Have it done

    • Had it done

    • Have been done

    • Had been done

  • My teacher is usually late for class but he has been on time this week. The headmaster …… him some advice .
    • ( must have given)( must have given)must have given

    • Must be given

    • Have been given

    • Had been given

    • Has been given

  • We could have eaten the ice cream two days ago. This sentence means …….
    • We are eat the ice cream

    • We didn’t eat the ice cream

    • We eat the ice cream

    • We has eat the ice cream

    • We have keep the ice cream

  • A : ' You were supposed to be here nine minutes ago. Where were you? 'B : ' I …… for a place to park. '
    • Has looking

    • Have looking

    • Was looking

    • Had looking

    • Have been looking

  • X : John, have you met, Budi?Y : Yes, when I came to his house, he …. in front of his house.
    • Has sweeping

    • Was sweeping

    • Was sweeped

    • Have sweeping

    • Has been sweeping

  • The curtains are very dirty, we…. at the dry cleaner’s.
    • Must have they washed

    • Must been them washed

    • Must have them washed

    • Must have they washing

    • Must have them washing

  • We are going on a long trip , so we must …….
    • Have been the car checked

    • Has the car check

    • Has the car checked 3d max software download.

    • Have the car check

    • Have the car checked

  • Tom’s Father ………. health hasn’t been so good lately is in hospital now.
    • That is

    • That are

    • That

    • Whose

    • Which

  • The book …. is available in the library.
    • The two chapter are gone

    • The two chapter are taken

    • The two paper are taken

    • The two page are taken

    • The two chapter are missing

  • Helen is the girl. It met her at the party last night.
    • Helen is the girl whom I met her at the party last night.

    • Helen is the girl whom I met her at the party tommorrow.

    • Helen is the girl whom I met her at the party next month.

    • Helen is the girl whom I met her at the party last week.

    • Helen is the girl whom I never met her at the party last night.

  • Who does the house belong to?It stands on the hill.
    • Whose house that stands on the hill belong to?

    • Which house that stands on the hill belong to?

    • Where house that stands on the hill belong to?

    • That house that stands on the hill belong to?

    • Rhat are house that stands on the hill belong to?

  • You won’t be able to pass the test . . . . you not study.
    • If

    • Is

    • That

    • Was

    • Has

  • The drivers have been hard workers. “hard workers” is called. . . .
    • Commision

    • Employ

    • Complement

    • Labourlabour

    • Big guy

  • Diana likes juice. The verb of the sentence is. . . .
    • Diana and juice

    • Diana and likes

    • Juice

    • Diana

    • Likes

  • Greyson is writing a personal letter. The object of the sentence is . . . .
    • Greyson

    • Personal

    • Is writing

    • A personal letter

    • Letter

  • A large natural underground chamber is called . . . .
    • Cave

    • Mountain

    • Ocean

    • Lake

    • River

  • A slowly moving massn of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or near the poles is called . . . .
    • Stalakmit

    • Glacier

    • Rock

    • Ice water

    • Cave

  • The teacher gave us a. . . . another exam.
    • Choice of taking

    • Choice of making

    • Choice of cooking

    • Choice of looking

    • Choice of tooking

  • Jenny . . . . that cellphone instead of this one.( insisted on buying)
    • Not insisted on buying

    • Not like on buying

    • Cannot buying

    • Insisted on buying

    • Dislike on buying

  • We didn’t spend . . . . ?
    • Much)much

    • Many

    • Little bit

    • 1 kilo

    • Many time

  • We have to hurry. We have . . . . time.
    • Far

    • Long

    • Much

    • Many

    • Little